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Chapter 18


King Solomon and 1960’s band, The Byrds, both famously wrote, “For everything there is a season”.  In North Carolina, it is difficult to tell when one season ends and another begins. For example, you think Spring has come thanks to a few days with temperatures in the 70s. Then Winter comes back with a vengeance. The temperatures dip well-below freezing while frost damages or kills newly-bloomed plants. My poor pet duck Corona is so confused. One day the weather is warm and her nesting instinct kicks in. The next, the water in her pool is frozen most of the day so she has to go for her swim in my bathtub.

In the sports world, the seasons can be equally as muddled. As a sportswriter, I am routinely covering football when basketball season starts and then basketball games are often still being played during baseball season. In fact, I am colder covering baseball and softball in early March than I am covering football under the Friday Night Lights in October and November. Hopefully, with the calendar flipping to April, I can put my winter clothes away until next year.


The change in seasons does not seem to bother my Chesapeake Bay Retriever Gabe. He is always his high-energy, stubborn, but affectionate self all year long. Gabe does particularly enjoy Spring though. There are plenty of new rabbits and squirrels to chase along with digging up the flowers my mom just set out. If you will pardon the pun, Gabe has an extra “Spring” in his step this time of year.

Since Spring is a time of change, we tried something new with Gabe during the warmer weather. We drove him to go swimming at a large stream on another part of the farm. While Gabe enjoys soaking in his repurposed cattle trough and finding a mud puddle every day, this was the first time he had seen a flowing body of water. After a few moments hesitation, Gabe’s duck retrieving instincts kicked in. He would swim out to retrieve a stick and sniff along the bank trying to find turtles and other creatures. In short, he had the best Chessie day ever.

You may not have the privilege of living on a farm like Gabe and I do, but that does not mean you can’t get fresh vegetables and other goodies from a farmer’s market. They typically open in April, so now is the perfect time to go and explore one. The last time I went to a farmer’s market, I bought a piece of fudge and Maple Syrup Cotton Candy. Hey don’t judge me. I get enough farm fresh veggies from the garden at home.


If you are local to the Charlotte, North Carolina area, come meet the fine folks of Arin’s Good Girl Dog Treats. They will be at the Charlotte Regional Farmer’s Market, along with other markets in Belmont, Mathews (Guest Vendor) and Chattanooga, Tennessee. Stop by and say hello and of course pick up some treats for your furry friend.

Happy Spring Everyone!!! 

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